Celebrate the 96.8!

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this number represents?

Are you a part of the 96.8?  

Combined Logos 96.8-City Schools

Central Virginia Addiction and Recovery Resources and Lynchburg City Schools are celebrating the 96.8% of 10th graders that reported in 2020 that they had not used substances in the past 30 days. While we see and hear so much negativity, we must take the opportunity to celebrate all of the things that make youth in the City of Lynchburg great!

Every two years, Lynchburg City Schools conducts a Youth Risk Behavior Survey. The survey asks students to provide answers to questions related to mental health, relationships, substance use, violence and physical health. The results of the 2020 survey indicated that youth in the City of Lynchburg are generally using substances at a lower rate than their peers across the state and nation. So while we often assume that most teens are engaged in tobacco, alcohol, marijuana use. The truth is the exact opposite.  


Youth who refrain from using substances are more focused on being healthy and achieving their goals.

For Youth

You know the saying, “everyone is doing it”! Well in this case, everyone is NOT.

The messages that youth often receive from movies, music, social media, and their peers is that everyone is using tobacco, alcohol and substances. However, the truth is that most teens refuse to use. Most teens choose to refrain from substance use because they are more focused on maintaining a healthy body, reaching their goals, and achieving their future success. Many young people avoid substance use by filling their time with volunteering, sports, work, hobbies, clubs, and like-minded friends. They also steer clear of parties or places that may be known to have substances.

We recognize the pressure that comes from peers and social influences that glamorize and normalize engaging in these behaviors. However, you can be confident that when you say “no” to using substances you are actually part of the majority of your peers, who are also saying “no”. If you are currently using or have used substances in the past, it is not too late to make the decision to join the 96.8!

Sign the pledge to remain substance free and become a part of the 96.8, today!

Your peers, parents, teachers, and other caring adults are here to support you and celebrate with you as you choose to become a part of the 96.8% of students not engaging in substance use.

Looking for a way to get involved with future events and initiatives? The Healthy Youth through Prevention Education (HYPE) Club is a great way to do that and become a part of the 96.8. The HYPE Club is a student led club that focuses on providing prevention activities and initiatives within your school. If you want to become a part of future projects and take an active role in educating your classmates on substance use, check out @GETHYPECVA on Instagram and @GetHYPELynchburg on Facebook.   

Youth can sign the pledge


Youth who aren't properly informed are at greater risk of engaging in unsafe behaviors and experimenting with substance use.

For Caring Adults

Research shows that parents have a strong influence over their children’s decisions and behaviors. A majority of substance-free adolescents credit their parents for their decision not to use substances. Even if you’re not a parent, you still can play a significant role in a young person’s life. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, older siblings, mentors, volunteers, teachers and coaches all can help guide youth toward healthy choices at every stage of life.
As adults, it is our responsibility to keep our child(ren) safe, healthy and educated on what is best for them. Youth are less likely to use addictive substances if caring adults talk early and often about the risks, establish clear rules and consequences, regularly monitor their activities and reinforce that a substance free lifestyle is most favorable.

Caring adults can take action by having frequent conversations with the youth in their lives about the dangers of substance use. When youth don't feel comfortable talking to their parents or other caring adults, they'll seek answers elsewhere. Oftentimes, this results in misinformation from their peers or other social influences. Youth who aren't properly informed are at greater risk of engaging in unsafe behaviors and experimenting with substance use.

Caring adults can sign the pledge to communicate better.

Adults are role models, and your views and behaviors regarding tobacco, alcohol, and drugs can strongly influence children’s decisions. Encourage your kids to become a part of the healthy majority by joining the 96.8% of students not engaging in substance use. Adults are also encouraged to sign the pledge today and commit to being intentional about keeping youth healthy, happy and substance free. For more information on substances and substance use disorder in youth visit AboveTheHigh.org.  

Caring adults can sign the pledge

The MISSION of CVARR is to engage our community in the reduction of substance use through education and collaboration.

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