96.8 Sticker
Sign the pledge; enter to win.

Scroll down to sign the pledge, you will be entered in a weekly prize drawing.

Yes, I want to be part of the 96.8!

✓ I pledge to not use tobacco, e-cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana, and all other illegal substances.

✓ I pledge to not use prescription drugs not prescribed to me or use over-the-counter medications in a way other than what is recommended by the manufacturer.
✓ I pledge to avoid places where tobacco, e-cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana, and all other illegal substances are available.

✓ I pledge to make friends with those are like minded and will respect my decision to remain substance free.

✓ I pledge to have the courage to do what is right and not let the negative opinions or pressures of my peers to influence my decisions.

✓ I pledge to have the confidence to share why my decision not to use substances is the right choice for me

I pledge to become a part of the 96.8!

The MISSION of CVARR is to engage our community in the reduction of substance use through education and collaboration.

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